Your Specific Coolant Needs
At A&I Distributors, we know and understand different equipment and vehicles require different coolant or antifreeze solutions. We’re proud to carry a full line of passenger vehicle antifreeze options along with heavy-duty antifreeze products to help protect and maximize all of our customer’s vehicles and equipment.
We Keep the Gears Turning
Engine coolants play a critical part in protecting and maintaining the health and longevity of a car’s engine. A&I Distributors offers excellent protection to vehicle engines and features extended-life products that maintain performance, even under extreme conditions. A good coolant provides extended service life, offers excellent wet-sleeve liner cavitation protection, and provides freeze and boil-over protection.
Coolants give engines extended service life and ensure vehicles and equipment remain effective for longer lifespans. Additionally, they prevent the corrosion caused by extreme weather conditions and keep engines safe from damage, and can help avoid costly repairs. From Low Silicate to Dex-Cool and Heavy Duty Extended Life, A&I Distributors has the coolant for you.
In addition, quality coolant products also offer freeze and boil-over protection, which is crucial in extreme weather conditions. Our coolant products help prevent engines from freezing in cold temperatures and boiling over in hot temperatures. Extended life corrosion protection for steel, solder, copper, iron, brass, and aluminum are vital qualities of a good coolant product. Quality coolant protection helps reduce engine rust and corrosion in the coolant system.
Coolant Protection You Can Count On
Reap the benefits of quality coolant products, including:
Extended service life
Excellent wet-sleeve liner cavitation protection
Efficient freeze and boil-over protection
Extended life corrosion protection for steel, solder, copper, iron, brass, and aluminum
Reduced engine rust and corrosion in the coolant system
Preventative care to avoid electrolysis, which erodes engines components and causes costly repairs
Our Brands
Coolants maintain the life of your car’s engine. A&I Distributors offers excellent protection for commercial vehicle engines. Our high-quality coolant products help maintain and optimize performance, under even the harshest conditions. We work with a robust selection of brands, including:
Service Pro